Georgia Tech's award process has two phases, pre-award and post-award, with six stages in total. The Office of Research Development (INSERT LINK WHEN PAGE COMPLETE) offers researchers strategic and practical assistance in creating and launching large-scale sponsored research projects.


Find Funding
  • Researchers begin by developing their ideas and seeking funding sources. 
  • Once a suitable funding opportunity is identified, they should notify their Departmental Research Administrator (DRA) and the relevant academic unit or GTRI contracting officer (CO).
Develop Proposal
  • Collaborating with the DRA, the researcher will prepare a proposal, including a statement of work, budget, budget justification, and other necessary components. If required, the proposal is uploaded into the appropriate sponsor system.
  • Before submitting any proposal to a funding agency must be routed through Georgia Tech’s internal review process via the eRouting system at least 3 days before the sponsor’s due date.
Submit Proposal
  • Once all departmental reviews and approvals have been completed and any pre-award compliance concerns have been addressed, the contracting officer (CO) will act as the authorized organizational representative (AOR). 
  • The CO will then review the proposal and either request revisions or submit it to the sponsor as the authorized signatory.
Award and Sub-award Negotiation and Acceptance
  • When you receive a Notice of Award or Selection, forward it to your CO to obtain award documents. The CO will carefully review and negotiate any terms and conditions mentioned in the award, removing or mitigating anything unacceptable, and will let you know what needs to be done. You must address any outstanding compliance concerns before accepting the award. 
  • Remember, only the CO can receive and execute the award. After the award is executed, an award (AWD) number will be generated and viewable in the Contracting Information System (CIS).


Award and Sub-award Management and Reporting
  • Grants and Contracts Accounting assigns the award a Worktag (G) number in the financial system. Researchers are notified when funds are available for expenditure. They must adhere to administrative requirements, cost principles, and specific award terms during this stage. Research efforts should not commence until the G number has been established.
  • Researchers then move into a project's management and reporting stage, where they must follow the administrative requirements, cost principles, and specific terms and conditions applicable to the award.
  • Project closeout is an administrative process handled by a contracting specialist assigned to the OSP Closeout Team.
  • The process follows contractual provisions and agency regulations.