Recurring Competitions

Limited submission competitions play a crucial role in research funding. These opportunities arise when a sponsor restricts the number of applications an institution can submit. If an institution exceeds the specified limit, it may lead to the rejection of all submissions. Consequently, internal selection processes become essential to determine which proposal teams can proceed with their applications.

At Georgia Tech, the Office of the Executive Vice President for Research (EVPR) facilitates recurring limited submissions (INSERT LINK TO TABLE CURRENTLY AT, with the applicant selection process varying based on whether the competition is administered centrally by the EVPR or managed at the unit level. 

EVPR-Administered Competitions

The campus is notified about internal competitions approximately 24 weeks before the sponsor’s deadline. Applicants then have 9-10 weeks to submit an internal pre-proposal. The goal is to notify selected applicants in time, allowing them 8-9 weeks to prepare their final proposal for submission to the sponsor.

For a comprehensive list of open EVPR-administered internal limited submission competitions, you can visit the Georgia Tech Internal Competition site

While not all of these opportunities fall under the limited submission category, this InfoReady section is as a valuable resource for recurring major federal funding opportunities. 

Unit-Administered Competitions

Contact the Georgia Tech competition owner to learn more about the selection process and timeline. 

Unanticipated Competitions

New limited submission competitions emerge regularly, and the EVPR office plays a crucial role in managing them. Let’s break down the key points:

Selection Process Determination
  • When a limited submission competition becomes known to the EVPR office, they collaborate with the relevant units to establish the selection process.
  • For discipline-focused solicitations, the relevant IRI, center, school, or college is consulted to identify an appropriate selection process.
  • For broad-interest solicitations that allow sufficient time for internal coordination, the EVPR office creates and publicizes a selection process.
First-Come, First-Served Basis
  • In cases where there isn’t enough time to organize an internal competition, available submission slots may be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • The EVPR office will inquire with relevant unit leaders to understand existing efforts and ensure fairness.
Undisclosed Opportunities
  • If you come across a limited submission opportunity that isn’t advertised internally, take immediate action.
  • Contact your Associate Dean of Research and email to express your interest and seek guidance.

Remember, staying informed and proactive is crucial in navigating these competitive funding opportunities. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask!